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Consumer Research And Analytics At Any Scale


Rapport Research offers a variety of research and analytics services from full-service custom research to secondary data analysis and analtycis consultation.


Syndicated market research resource for the beverage alcohol industry. Understand beer trends, cider trends, RTD trends, and more. 


Explore recent research on consumer trends, discussion around research methods and analytics  and best practices for applying consumer research in your business.


CN Tower


Ken founded Rapport Research with the mission of making consumer research more accessible to small and medium sized businesses.


Our vision for consumer research is one which emphasizes the value of research for building strong relationships and greasing the gears of business. Good research and good data has the incredible value of helping us build a shared understanding of the world. With shared facts and a shared narrative, we can have productive conversations, and build relationships based on mutual understanding and trust. Good research helps build a strong rapport with our partners.  

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